Scandinavian Tech Deck I Am A B-Tech Student.I Heard That Education&health In Scandinaviancountries Is Totally Free.Is It Correct?
I am a B-Tech student.I heard that education&health in Scandinaviancountries is totally free.Is it correct? - scandinavian tech deck
I want to pursue a student of B-Tech India.I understood my MS abroad.I that education and health in the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Finland), completely free cost.Is is correct?
Education and healthcare are free for the Scandinavians.
Foreigners must pay for services, since they do not pay taxes or contributions for the demand system. You must contact the embassies of countries that are interested in more information about studying in Scandinavia.
The education system in Scandinavia is very high.
Good luck
I am not among those countries either, but I know that education and training (university) is free in Finland. But like all things free, usually not the best quality. A master in Finland is the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in the United States. Finland has completed a BS in 3 years, compared to 4 in the United States.
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