Sliver City Ottawa What Was The Title Of That Sci-Fi Art Book Written In The Late 70's Early 80's?
What was the title of that Sci-Fi art book written in the late 70's early 80's? - sliver city ottawa
The book, which I speak, black and tied. The book is this huge, but detailed pictures of various things related to space and full of a sort of history next to those pictures were behind him. I remember one of these photos is a great wheel vechial that people use for a planet to see if they are solved or terraformed. I think it is a greenish metal and a place to get a whiz in the ceiling. Rememeber the other junk, too, was a ship that people find in the space around a planet and need to understand how it was built and who built it. The last thing I remember is the image of these cities still on the enormous stone pillars and stone to move from one to another and no one can imagine how they do it without going engery. You do not know whether anyone in those cities. That's all I do not remember in detail in the hope that some kind of disc images of the city on a hill and the amount of people at the center.
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